Emak is an unique display sans serif font family that are appropriate for contemporary and dynamic typography that is best suited for large sizes of text. Original set of types consists of 18 different weights from Thin to Black, Slant versions, as well as Variable Font. Whether you want to make headlines bold or design strong brands or create attractive content for the web this type face will do that in the most efficient way.
Emak should also be practical and communicational as well as semiotic. The design has a minimalistic aesthetic that lends well to professional branding; The slanted styles, as well as the special alternates, bring more artistry to typesetting. It also ensures that Emak is suitable for many creative professions that include, communication design, newspaper and magazine design, packaging design, and multimedia.
Emak Font is free for PERSONAL USE. Link to purchase full version and commercial license : CLICK HERE
This fonts are authors' property, and are either shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence mentioned above the download button is just an indication. Please look at the readme-files in the archives or check the indicated author's website for details, and contact him if in doubt. If no author/licence is indicated that's because we don't have information, that doesn't mean it's free.
Hi, thanks for downloading our font
Emak - Modern Sans Serif Typeface with Variable Font
By installing or using this font, you agree to the Product Usage Agreement:
1. This font is for PERSONAL USE. No commercial use is allowed!
2. If you want to use this font for commercial use you must buy a commercial license.
3. Commercial License includes complete glyphs and Styles of this font
4. LINK TO PURCHASE COMMERCIAL LICENSE and COMPLETE Styles for this font, find it here:
Or You Can Purchase it in any Marketplace you want,
Visit Our Portfolio and Market link; https://www.behance.net/afkaristudio
to DONATE click here:
if you need more detailed information and a custom license you can contact us at:
[email protected]
Afkari Studio
Dengan meng-install font ini, anda dianggap mengerti dan menyetujui semua syarat dan ketentuan penggunaan font dibawah ini:
- Font demo ini hanya dapat digunakan untuk keperluan "Personal Use"/kebutuhan pribadi, atau untuk keperluan yang sifatnya tidak "komersil", alias tidak menghasilkan profit atau keuntungan dari hasil memanfaatkan/menggunakan font kami. Baik itu untuk individu, Agensi Desain Grafis, Percetakan, Distro atau Perusahaan/Korporasi.
- Silakan gunakan lisensi komersial dengan membeli melalui link ini :
Atau bisa kunjungi halaman ini dibawah ini dan dapatkan di marketplace yang Anda inginkan, kunjungi portfolio kami;
- Dengan hanya lisensi "Personal Use", DILARANG KERAS menggunakan atau memanfaatkan font ini untuk kepeluan Komersial, baik itu untuk Iklan, Promosi, TV, Film, Video, Motion Graphics, Youtube, Desain kaos distro atau untuk Kemasan Produk (baik Fisik ataupun Digital) atau Media apapun dengan tujuan menghasilkan profit/keuntungan.
- Untuk penggunaan keperluan Perusahaan/Korporasi silakan menggunakan Corporate License.
- Menggunakan font ini dengan lisensi "Personal Use" untuk kepentingan Komersial apapun bentuknya TANPA IZIN dari kami, akan dikenakan biaya CORPORATE LICENSE Versi Perkumpulan Desain Huruf Indonesia.
Informasi tentang Lisensi apa yang akan anda perlukan, silahkan menghubungi kami di : [email protected]
Terima kasih.
Afkari Studio
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