Kileegon Zales a lovely Signature font, This is perfect for invitations, signatures, blogs, social media, business cards, product brands, etc.Creative Signature has style standard, Alternate Stylistic and ligatures. and includes uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and punctuation serta alternateFILE INCLUDES- Creative Signature (OpenType, PUA) - Creative Signature (TrueType, PUA) - WebFont2OpenType features can be accessed by using OpenType smart programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Corel Draw and Microsoft Office.Thank you and have a nice day,
Kileegon Zales a lovely Signature font, This is perfect for invitations, signatures, blogs, social media, business cards, product brands, etc.
Creative Signature has style standard, Alternate Stylistic and ligatures. and includes uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and punctuation serta alternate
OpenType features can be accessed by using OpenType smart programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Corel Draw and Microsoft Office.
Thank you and have a nice day,
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