Beauty Marsella is a thin and beautiful handwritten font. Its distinct and well rounded letters make this font a masterpiece.It is is a sweet and cool script that easily combines legibility and authenticity!Beauty Marsella consisting of a fashionable sophisticated signature-style script with its own unique curves and an elegant inky flow.Beauty Marsella feels incredibly elegant and flowing. It looks stunning on wedding invitations, thank you cards, quotes, greeting cards, logos, business cards and every other design which needs a handwritten touch. It features a varying baseline, smooth lines, gorgeous glyphs and stunning alternates.It is PUA encoded which means you can access all of the glyphs and swashes with ease!Fall in love with its incredibly versatile style and use it to create spectacular designs!Use this font for any crafting project that requires a personalized look!Whatís Included :- OTF & TTF- Works on PC & Mac- Easy to use ( Installations )- Easy Convert to webfont- Compabilty Windows, Apple, Linux, Cricut, Silhouette and Other cutting machines.Thank you for purchasing this font.Please appreciate, if you like this .ENJOY it :)
Beauty Marsella is a thin and beautiful handwritten font. Its distinct and well rounded letters make this font a masterpiece. It is is a sweet and cool script that easily combines legibility and authenticity!
Beauty Marsella consisting of a fashionable sophisticated signature-style script with its own unique curves and an elegant inky flow. Beauty Marsella feels incredibly elegant and flowing. It looks stunning on wedding invitations, thank you cards, quotes, greeting cards, logos, business cards and every other design which needs a handwritten touch. It features a varying baseline, smooth lines, gorgeous glyphs and stunning alternates.
It is PUA encoded which means you can access all of the glyphs and swashes with ease! Fall in love with its incredibly versatile style and use it to create spectacular designs! Use this font for any crafting project that requires a personalized look!
Whatís Included :
Thank you for purchasing this font. Please appreciate, if you like this .
ENJOY it :)
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